Independent IP addresses in general

What is an independent IP address?

Independent IP address is a type of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, which is not tied to any specific Internet service provider and can operate with any provider.

What are the advantages of independent IP addresses?

Thanks to the independence of IP addresses it is possible to change a service provider without interruption as well as to avoid changing public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (readdressing) in the whole network.

Independent IP addresses also allow implementation of fully redundant connectivity through two or more Internet service providers (multihoming) or optimal distribution (balancing) of the load among multiple lines (load balancing).

Independent IP addresses can be also used to extend the existing IPv4 address space.

Who may use independent IP addresses?

There are no restrictions limitating the use of independent IP addresses so they can be used by anyone. Typical users of independent IP addresses are:

  • Internet service providers,
  • Datacenters and datacenter users,
  • Corporate sector,
  • State administration,
  • Operators of specific Internet service that requires a greater number of addresses.

How do independent IP addresses work?

You will receive an assigned block of IP addresses whose minimum size is /24 for IPv4 (256 IPv4 addresses) and /48 (65,000 networks /64) for IPv6.

In the next step it is necessary to make the assigned block (prefix) accessible (propagation) by BGP protocol. This will make IP addresses available across the Internet.

Address propagation to the Internet can provide your Internet service provider, or you can provide it yourself by your own BGP router – for more information, see the section Technical aspects and BGP.

I would like to use independent IP addresses. What is the next step?

Proceed as follows:

  • Complete the order form in the section PRICES.
  • Within one business day you will be contacted by our operator to specify any details and the contract proposal will be sent to you right after.
  • When the contract is signed and the first payment is credited to our account, the IP addresses will be registered to your company.
  • From this moment you will be able to fully utilize assigned IP addresses and configure relevant data recorded in the RIPE database.
  • Then you will configure the assigned IP addresses on your router/routers and propagate them by BGP protocol.

Throughout the whole process of independent address commissioning, our operators and technicians are available if needed.

What guarantees the quality of assigned IP addresses?

We truly care about the quality and the reputation of assigned IP addresses that we handle. IP addresses are validated by 40 major reputation and block databases prior assignment.


Currently, we monitor the following databases:
TornevallNET, BlockList_deMyWOT, SpamRATSDNSBL_AbuseCH, EFnet_RBLSpamCopPSBL,
WPBLMalwareDomainListMalc0deZeuS TrackerSpyEye TrackerPhishTankAutoshunDShield,
NiX_SpamSwinog_DNSRBLMegaRBLAlienVault ReputationDRG sshpwauthDRG vncprobe,
NoThink SSH BlCleanTalk

Is it possible to gain independent IP addresses for short-time projects (e.g. for 1 month)?

Unfortunately, this is not possible. Due to preserving the good reputation of our IP addresses, the minimum time for service usage is 24 months. By this policy we try to discourage entities that intend to use the address range, for example, for spamming, conducting DoS/DDoS attacks, etc.

Is it necessary to be a member of RIPE NCC to use independent IP addresses?

The membership in RIPE NCC is not a requirement.


Technical aspects and BGP

What is autonomous system number (ASn) and what is its relation to independent IP addresses?

Autonomous system number (ASn) is a unique identifier of a dedicated network in BGP protocol. The number is configured on the router or routers in the relevant end network. Assigning your own ASn is essential when the network is connected to multiple service providers (e.g. due to backup) or when the network is connected directly to one of connection nodes (IXP, e.g. NIX.CZ, SIX.SK, NIX.SK, Peering.CZ , BR-IX.CZ).

Are there any additional costs associated with the operation of independent IP addresses?

Any additional costs associated with IP address or BGP service depend on the conditions agreed with your service provider(s). In our experience, service providers do not charge the propagation of additional addresses or the service of one’s own autonomous system.

Service provider requires the confirmation authorizing the use of assigned addresses. Where can it be obtained?

Assigned IP addresses are properly registered and publicly available in WHOIS‘s database RIPE to your subject. If a different kind or format of confirmation is required (e.g. a custom form), please contact us and we provide it according to your needs.

What are the entries in RIPE database and why it is important to maintain them?

RIPE database is a publicly accessible register available on http://whois.ripe.net where IP addresses and autonomous system numbers (ASn) are registered and assigned to particular organization or individual.

Regarding independent IP addresses all necessary data is kept and updated for you. However, if you want to fully maintain the data in RIPE database yourself, it is possible via a login account that we provide to you.

What do I need to obtain to make BGP protocol work?

If you intend to run your own autonomous system (ASn) it is necessary to deploy a BGP router in the network.
One of the options is a router with OS Linux or BSD. In this case a routing software must be run on the router – routing daemon. From our experience, we can recommend the daemon bird developed by CZ.NIC. Another option is to use a specialized device as a router. Virtually every network device manufacturer offers routers or L3 switches with BGP support. As a cost-effective option we can mention mikrotik platform, where BGP support is available in every device that has at least L4 license.

If you are unsure in selecting the device for your needs, do not hesitate to contact us and we will gladly help you with your choice.

I am afraid that the matter of BGP is a very complex issue. Can it cause unnecessary troubles?

BGP protocol configuration in large networks is indeed a complex matter that should be dealt by a qualified specialist. However, the configuration for end network connection is very simple and completely troubleless. On most devices it typically involves several configuration lines or can be obtained via web interface.

What is the difference between IPv4 and IPv6 independent IP addresses?

In principle there is no difference between IPv4 and IPv6 independent IP addresses. With order of IPv4 addresses you automatically get a block of IPv6 addresses. However, the use of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses is independent from each other, so you can use IPv4 addresses separately.

What are the technical requirements for IP addresses to be fully operational?

In order to make assigned IP addresses fully operational, it is necessary to so-called “propagate” the addresses to the Internet via BGP protocol in one of autonomous systems. This is possible by using any of following options:

  • Address propagation will be ensured by your own router under its own assigned autonomous system number. This variant we recommend preferably.
  • Address propagation will be ensured by your Internet service provider under its own autonomous system number.
  • Address propagation will be ensured via our routers in geographically separated data centers. The connection to your network is then implemented via selected data circuits.


You have not found the answer to your question? Do not hesitate to contact us.